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The Clarke, Frederick, Winchester City DSS Foster Care Training and Recruitment Program, fondly known as “CFW”, was established in 1996 to meet the local needs of foster children. CFW is a cooperative and collaborative effort among the three jurisdictions to provide a consistent, competency-based training program to all prospective as well as approved foster, adoptive, and kinship resource families.

The Clarke, Frederick, and Winchester Departments of Social Services are committed to working with birth and resource families as well as the community to provide a safe, nurturing environment for our foster children. The number one goal for our agencies as dictated by the Virginia Administrative Code as well as the policy and practice of CFW is to assist birth families with the issues and concerns that bring children into the foster care system.

The initial goal when children enter foster care is to work towards reunification with birth parents. If reunification cannot be achieved with birth parents, we then seek placement with extended biological family members. If this is not possible, we work to seek permanency for children through adoption. Resource families are a critical part of the team in each of these goals. CFW is committed to providing exceptional support to our approved resource families.